
Martyrs’ Memorial – Algiers


During my stay in Algiers, I went to the martyr’s memorial (Houbel) to take some pictures. Located on the heights of Algiers in the town of El Madania (formerly Salembier). From its 92 meters height of concrete, Maqam E’chahid was inaugurated in 1982 for the 20th anniversary of the independence of Algeria. Imagined by Bachir Yellès, Houbel represents three revolutions: “Cultural, agrarian and industrial” another reading says that the monument symbolizes three periods of the Algerian history: “Resistance to occupation and colonization, War of national liberation, the present and the future of the country. ” These three palm leaves of which Houbel consists are located above the bay of Algiers.

Maqam Echahid - Mémorial du martyr - Alger 1

Riadh El Feth

To the north and below Houbel, there’s the Botanical Garden Hamma where Tarzan (1932) was shot. In the West and then in the East respectively the bois des arcades and the projects of Diar El Mahçoul, built by the architect Fernand Pouillon known in Algeria for Aerohabitat and other constructions. Then to the south of Houbel is the esplanade of Riadh El Feth, a mythical shopping mall in the 80s and early 90s where there are concert halls (Ibn Zeydoun), bar and dancing (The triangle) And other souvenir shops…

Maqam Echahid - Mémorial du martyr - Alger 2


Maqam Echahid - Mémorial du martyr - Alger 6

Passing through Salembier I went through the city Diar El Mahçoul wanting to take pictures of the Buildings called “Cité comfort” I was intercepted by the youth of the neighborhood “wled el Houma” they wanted me to make pictures of them with a tagged message On the walls of the city “Doula el haggara” (contemptuous Government) I realized these pictures with in the background the Houbel, without realizing the conditions of life in the comfort projects, which bears very bad its name. A very high human density where the tenants of these buildings lives in very harsh conditions, “socially cruel cases” as described in the newspaper “Liberté” in 2016.

Maqam Echahid - Mémorial du martyr - Alger 4

Youth of Diar el Mahçoul – Salembier Algiers

Maqam Echahid - Mémorial du martyr - Alger 5

Youth of Diar el Mahçoul – Salembier Algiers

Order prints of Algeria by Mahdi Aridj Photography