Hambourg (En cours de traduction)

Hambourg, the gate to the world (Tor zur Welt). I could just stop here and not say more about the city, but it will be a shame. I was supposed to fly to Hambourg from Paris. But since my plans changed I had to adapt (That’s my story), I came to Germany earlier. I took a blablacar (Carpooling) to Hambourg from Bonn, a trip of 5 hours, same duration if I took the train. I don’t know if the reason is the unlimited speed on the German highways or because the German trains don’t run on time anymore, maybe both. Anyways. I arrived to Hauptbahnof (Main train station), and I felt it a bit aggressive, people pushing you, rushing to you … I thought I was back in Paris. I walked out toward the Jungfernstieg after the Kunsthalle Hambourg (the art museum of the city). I saw a blue light flashing it was the lights of a fireman truck, then, I heard some percussion, I tried to get closer to the source, I saw people holding lights and walking in the rhythm of the beats. I asked a woman and she told me it’s a walk, that’s Nicos farm walk. At the end of the walk, there was a huge firework that gathered many people around. I told my friend later, that Hambourg welcomed me, with a demonstration and a huge firework, how do you want me to not fall in love with the city!

Alster lake

I woke up excited to discover the city with the sunlight, I went exploring the Hambourg after breakfast. The city that is having more bridges than Venice, Amsterdam and London combined. John Lenon said « I was born in Liverpool, but raised in Hambourg »… Many interesting facts about Hambourg you can find them here.

First, I went to the Alster lake, people were having walks, run or over their bicycles. The area was really quite and beautiful.

The weather was not that bad, for end of October,

Speicherstadt / Wasserschlosse

Since i’m running my blog, I’m trying to have interesting pictures and stories to tell you. I’ve checked about Hambourg before getting there and everyone was talking about Wasserschlosse. It is a complex of many warehouses that were built with different support structures, but Andreas Meyer created a Neo-Gothic red-brick outer layer with little towers, alcoves, and glazed terra cotta ornaments. The warehouses are multi-storey buildings with entrances from water and land. One of the oldest warehouses is the Kaispeicher B of the International Maritime Museum.

The Speicherstadt is a tourist attraction in Hambourg. There are several museums like the German museum of Customs, Miniatur Wunderland (a model railway) and the Hambourg Dungeon. The Afghan Museum was also located here, but closed in 2011.

The buildings are also used as warehouses. As of 2005, the companies in the Speicherstadt handled one-third of the world’s carpet production, and other goods including cocoa, coffee, tea, spices, maritime equipment, and electronics.

(A single post about Speicherstadt is here)

Carpets of  Wasserschlosse

The buildings are also used as warehouses. As of 2005, the companies in the Speicherstadt handled one-third of the world’s carpet production, and other goods including cocoa, coffee, tea, spices, maritime equipment, and electronics.


It’s a new area freshly built, mixing modernity and conservatisme of the Hafencity style. surrounded by the Elbe and bridges. Not really far from the Wasserschloss, Sandtorpark is having a good moderne architetural style.

Feldstrasse – Heiligengeistfeld

An area full of creative store and really cool small bars or coffee just to hang out and chill, not crowded as St.Pauli. This area has a smell of Berlin, but still different.

Yoko Mono

The Yoko Mono is a bar, and I think that you made the link between the early life of the Beatles in Hambourg. Anyways, it’s a good spot. Not that big, but its atmosphere is really good, open minded people that I asked for if they mind if I’m taking pictures of them … And sure it’s Hambourg, they said yay !

After drinking a beer at the Yoko Mono, I went with my friends to fish restaurant. While waiting for having a seat I’ve met a cool fisherman having a beer outside with his friend. He looked so authentic when he was smoking his pipe.

Fisherman - Hamburg

Fisherman – Hamburg – Pécheur à Hamburg

Fischmarkt Hambourg-Altona

  • 62.800 square meters
  • 36,000 tons of fresh fish are transferred yearly on the grounds of the fish market
  • 57 fishing and gastronomical businesses with 750 employees and annual sales of 280 million Euros altogether
  • 14 % of Germany’s fresh fish supply is being processed in Hambourg
  • 130 tenants from different trades

I’ve been there on a Sunday morning for a breakfast. The fish market is just amazing, full of families, but also some people who partied all night long around Reepabahn & St.Pauli are there to finish their night with fresh fish in a sandwich and some coffee, and some good music with a live band playing. More than a fish market. It’s an institution

(More about the Hamburg Fish Market)

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