Feminist protest against the new government

Paris, City Hall. July the 10th 2020

Rassemblement féministe contre le remaniement gouvernemental - Feminist protest against the new government

Feminist protest against the new government

A few days after the replacement of Edouard Philippe by Jean Castex as Prime Minister, a feminist protest against the new government reshuffle took place on the Paris city hall, as well as in many French cities. The feminists led by the collective #NousToutes gathered to denounce the appointment of Gérald Darmanin to the post of Minister of the Interior and of Eric Dupond-Moretti as Minister of Justice. Accused of rape and whose investigation has just been reopened, Gérald Darmanin finds himself the first cop in France. Surrounded by Marlène Schiappa (Minister responsible for citizenship), Herself who said “I will not applaud a man accused of rape”. What causes a great stir on the side of feminists. While M ° Dupond-Moretti, he is disputed by public opinion because of these comments about the #MeToo movement. When the 2018 Street Harassment Law was put in place, he said that the justice should not be involved in this.

These appointments, which are highly contested throughout France, have given rise to rallies where the culture of rape, which is becoming commonplace, has been demanded, and where people who are accused of rape, or who have held biased words. Perceived as a bad signal, which further weakens the policies pursued in recent years concerning sexual assault and rape.

Since the end of the lockdown , this is the 5th gathering I have attended. The social and political climate is very tensed in France. Let’s see what will happen in september, under the hover of an economic crisis as well as a threat of second wave of Covid-19…

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