
Every photographer has a message to send to his viewers or to the society through his lens or project. Depending on how deep he wants to get involved in it. Mine came logically because I knew some people doing this or that profession or just because I heard about something when I was travelling or just having a coffee. I got interested into taking pictures of that moment of that topic. Sometimes I was just there at the right moment and met the right people so I followed the track until it led me to something. But the biggest and longest and the hardest one I’ve done until now is the #Hebammenprojekt. Contacting midwives through all Germany and follow them during their duty in many cities of the country with no real limit of time or money – As much as I can spend – and for sure to make it harder with no sponsorship. That was a great project for me you can read more about it just down there “The midwifery project”. Others project or reportage that I’ve done are available to read in this page. Like the night that I’ve spent with a stunt team when we broke into an old sanitarium to transform it into a playground of fire-breathing. Or on that sunday rainy morning in the Jewish cemetery of Warsaw…and some others project that are still ongoing. 

Genèse d'une piscine en Ardèche - Profession Artisan pisciniste - A day with swimming pool builders
Rassemblement féministe contre le remaniement gouvernemental - Feminist protest against the new government
Marche des fiertés Paris 2020 - Paris Gay Pride 2020
Manifestation des soignants à Paris Juin 2020 - Medical staff demonstration - Paris June 2020Mahdi Aridj Photography
Manifestation contre les violences policières à Paris - Protest against police Brutality in Paris - #JusticepourAdama #JusticeForAdamaMahdi Aridj Photography
Fridays for future Madrid - Marche pour le climat Madrid
Hirak - الحراك - Mouvement du 22 Février 2019 à Paris - The 2019 Algerian protests in Paris
YogaGraphy with Anne Francin
Trans'n'Dance - Sufi Dance | TranseEnDanse - Dans Soufie par Rana Gorgani
Trans n Dance - Sufi whirling by Rana Gorgani
YogaGraphy 2
La grossesse n'est pas une maladie #HebammenProjekt
L'Ashtanga et moi | Yoga urbain 9
Roughness to smoothness - Yoga in the business district
Urban Yoga in Paris with Claire 2
Early morning Yoga in Paris with Claire 3
Procès des biens mal acquis - Transparency International 1
Themfie Color 2
#Themfie 1
The midwifery project - Being a midwife in Germany 5
C’était un certain 13 Novembre 13
The goutte d'Or - La goutte d'Or
The jewish cemetary of warsaw - Poland - Le cimetière juif de Varsovie
FXR - funxridersMahdi Aridj Photography