Paris women’s rights day

Journée internationale des droits de la femme à Paris  - Paris women rights day

Paris women’s rights day

Back in pictures of the demonstration during Paris women’s rights day. Some 60,000 people, women and men, paraded behind a banner proclaiming “We stop all” – watchword of a “feminist strike” which meant to show that “when women stop, everything stops”. The watchwords of combating sexual and gender-based violence, wage inequality or pension reform and its supposed negative effects for women. Led by the “Rosies” of the “Attac” collective, the demo headed towards the republic from the Place d’Italie. Despite the rain, the square of Kurdish women “YPG“, caregivers of the medical profession, railway workers and many others …

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  1. […] 2020. This umpteenth assassination by the American police forces of an African-American echoes in France. It recalls the “suspects deaths” where the investigations were not made properly which […]

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