Global climate strike Paris

Marche pour le climat à Paris - Global climate strike Paris

Global climate strike Paris

The global climate change week was punctuated by several events including the global climate strike in Paris and other capitals in the world. To remind the climatic urgency and the stakes of actions that remain urgent to take.

The march for the climate of Friday, September 20, 2019 was led and followed by the young high schools that occupied the Parisian streets. They went from Nation to Bercy. In a procession of 10,000 high school students, mobilized and determined to make their anger heard about their future and the one of our planet.

A tensed social comeback

Political inaction and lack of companies involvement make the climate emergency an important struggle for future generations. Since February 16, these marches have reached the French capital where high school students took the bull by the horns and followed the tradition to show their discontent by beating the pavement. Especially since in this social return, Heads of states have just refused to adopt the goal of carbon neutrality in 2050. Without forgetting the other themes of claim that followed the next day, yellow jackets act. 45, march against pension reform and other topics that add to this long list of demands.

“The earth is not your p *** Stop warming it”

The mobilization of young people through dramaticlly funny slogans such as “The earth is not your p ***! Stop heating”, “F *** me not the planet!” or “Cool kids saving a hot planet” … show the angle by which young people tackle the subject while appropriating the choice of a better future!

The future will tell us if governments will take seriously this problem free from political constraints and as economical as the notion of growth!

… to be continued

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  1. […] in pictures of the demonstration during Paris women’s rights day. Some 60,000 people, women and men, paraded behind a banner proclaiming […]

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