
HebammenProjekt. It’s my first photography project. It is born at last !

It couldn’t have materialized without the help of the midwives that I met in Germany during my trip, from October 2016 to January 2017. This is a message especially dedicated to all midwives around the world. A warm thank you for bringing babies to life! Every day and especially today we celebrate life with you.

There are so many things to say about what I saw and heard during those months, that I decided to publish it in parts. So, after the introduction that I posted on my blog in January, here is Part One, about the first midwives that I met in Regensburg – Bavaria, trying to explain why only one fourth of German midwives attend births.

Disclaimer: I’m not a midwife, not a physician, not a statistician neither a journalist. All I’m writing here is my personal view and my personal conclusion. I’m just a citizen who is concerned.

La grossesse n'est pas une maladie #HebammenProjekt
The midwifery project - Being a midwife in Germany 5