
In this archive you’ll find pictures of Germany that I took the last years. I was living between Germany and France for almost two years. Until I started a project about midwives un Germany. It offered me to discover the beautifull “Deutschland” from north to south and from east to west. I’ve been visiting many cities Berlin, Hamburg, Bonn, Köln, Munich, Dresden Leipzig, Wurzburg, Bremen and other smaller cities as Schulutup, Elstewerda, Regensburg, Ingolstdadt, Bamberg, Heringsdorf, Redsdtadt … I can’t list them all,but I can tell you is a really great counrty to visit or where to settle.

I’ve been doing srteet photography in the big metrolpoles, I’ve also did some pregnancy photography in Berlin and in Bavaria.

I had my first Nude photography with Julia in Berlin and it was awesome as an photography experience. In Hamburg, I’ve been directing a portrait photography session with a German actor and also two actress of music hall.

La grossesse n'est pas une maladie #HebammenProjekt
Maternity photography in Berlin 23
Jours tranquilles à Paris, Berlin et Alger
Comment devenir photographe au temps de l'internet ? 2
The midwifery project - Being a midwife in Germany 5
Pregnancy photography in Bavaria 1
Pregnancy photography in Berlin
Nude photography in Berlin 1
Street photography in Berlin 34
Dresde photographie de rue 34
Siegburg - Medieval Christmas Market 22
Parc olympique de Munich 25
Munich, à la découverte de la capital Bavaroise 2
Une semaine d'automne à Ratisbonne
Portrait in Hamburg 2
One night in Reeperbahn 7
Arthemon Lis - German actor 12
Port of Hamburg 46
A week-end in Hamburg 43
Schlutup - one day of autumn 12
One day in Würzburg 46
Erfurt - Photographie de rue 5
Ruhr Reggae Summer 1
TV tower berlin