The first LGBT Photography I’ve made was right after the French goverment allowed the “Mariage pour tous” homosexual marriage. A couple of friend called me to tell me that they are going mary. They wanted me to be their photographer for their wedding. It was my first time covering a same sex mariage and it was really cool to be a part of it.
I was not engaged for the LGBT cause by that time. But with some perspective I thought I’m kind of concerned as much as he heterosexual who are against it. Since I figured out that the people who are showing in the streets and being against the same sex mariage and all what concerns the Gay community are heterosexual means not directly concerned. I’ve thought that i had to do something for the LGBT community.
Since that I did he gay pride and some other same sex weddings and some other project are coming in the future.

Marche des fiertés Paris 2020 - Paris Gay Pride 2020
Wedding photography in Aix en Provence 6