Hirak – الحراك

The 2019 Algerian protest in Paris

Hirak - الحراك - Mouvement du 22 Février 2019 à Paris - The 2019 Algerian protests in Paris

The 2019 Algerian protest in Paris – Hirak

The 2019 Algerian protest or the “Hirak”, as I had previously described, brought together men, women and children throughout Algeria. But also in capitals of the West such as Paris, Montreal, Berlin or Madrid … where the diaspora supported this ongoing revolution of the smile by protesting on Sunday as an echoe to Friday demontrsation in Algeria. I was able to attend and capture some moments of these Parisian gatherings. As on Algiers, smiles and militant slogans were at the rendez-vous. As in Algiers, in humor ! it did not in any way decrease the strenght of popular claims.

At “Place de la Republique”, Sundays followed one another, gathering more and more partisans under the curious glances of Frenchmen or tourists attracting their greatest sympathies. The Algerian flags dressed the Place de la République under the eyes of the “Marianne” who has seen the claims evolved over the over-sea newsfeed.

By blue or gray sky Sundays brought together the Algerian diaspora, organizing themselves more and more into a working and thiking group bringing out ideas for a potential new republic. Children’s workshops, booths where artists performed music or other performances. All this under the rhythm of drums and songs of supporters of the USMA (a football club in Algiers) such as “La casa del Mouradia” which out of the stands has become the hymn of the movement. Not to mention the tributes paid to “Haragas” through songs and slogans.

Enough talk! I leave room for pictures !

Photography of Algiers protest

I took these pictures between the end of February and the beginning of March, cut by a stay in Algeria where I was able to attend different gatherings that you can see or see again here

Hirak - الحراك - Mouvement du 22 Février 2019 - Algérie - The Algerian protests
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  1. […] appris la tragédie. Le feu a dévasté deux tiers de la cathédrale sous les yeux de milliers de Parisiens et touristes observant ce triste spectacle en cette fin de journée du 15 avril 2019. A quelques […]

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