Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

In this month of June I was commissioned to be the photographer of Baptism in Paris of a family of Orthodox confession. It was at the church of Saints Archangels located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. It is a Romanian Orthodox Church, where most Romanians from the Paris region and Orthodox confession come to celebrate baptism communion and also their marriage.

Small in size compared to other churches where I had covered wedding or communion ceremonies. This church dedicated to archangels Michel, Gabriel and Raphael is imposing by the atmosphere of serenity that reigns there. I had never done baptismal photography before I inquired about unfolding it so as not to be surprised and missed a key moment of the ceremony.

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Othodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox priesrt during a baptism ceremony in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Then comes the major question: “With or without flash?” I do not like working with a flash especially in such a solemn moment. I find that distracting and that it destabilizes a little people present. Destabilize in the sense that it removes a little ease and thus the charm of the stolen and not posed photo. On the other side a dark photo and under exposed it does not do too much, so I tried with a little early and after a few tries I realized that the charm of the church was lost a little. The natural light that penetrates through the stained glass, reflecting on the stones and also the decorative tapestry give a unique beauty. Which made me give up the flash.

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening
Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Ceremony of Orthodox Baptism

The ceremony lasted an hour, the godmother and godfather of the little one kept him in their arms throughout the ceremony. From time to time I was wide-ranging to capture the eyes of parents who lived an important moment, a moment so rich in emotions that it shed tears and I do not hide you that I was not spared. The solemnity of the priest who officiated, the decor of this Orthodox Church, where the prayers of the priest spoke in Romanian language punctuated by the small child’s sobs, made the emotion rise to its climax at the moment of the triple immersion in a bath of water. “Holy water”.

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening
Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

How the ceremony goes (Translated from: Baptême bébé)

Unlike Catholics, Protestants baptize by total immersion children. The child is undressed, then buried in a small white towel and thrown three times into the baptismal font. The priest baptizes him “in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. The baptismal name (the first name chosen is generally that of the grandfather or grandmother of the child) is thus pronounced by the priest at the moment of immersion.

Subsequently, the child is dressed in white clothes and the priest then passes a chain around his neck with a gold cross. The priest anointed him with chrism on his forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, hands and feet, saying, “Receive the mark of the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening
Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening
Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Photographe de Baptême à Paris - Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris - Christening

Orthodox baptism photographer in Paris

The baptized person and the priest go around the baptistery three times. A reader reads the epistle to the Romans and the deacon reads the Gospel. At the end of the ceremony, the parents kiss the hands of the godmother or godfather. All guests wish their best wishes to parents: “nas sas zisei” (long life to your child).

Six days after the ceremony, the parents bring the child back to the church for ablution: the priest then sprinkles the belt and cloths of the child and sprinkles the child. This ultimate sacrament ends when the priest cuts some of the child’s hair on the nape, forehead, and right and left sides of the head.

Vitraux église orthodoxe Roumaine à Paris - Stained glass in Orthodox church in Paris
Eglise orthodoxe à Paris - Orthodox church in Paris

You’re looking for a photographer for a baptism or other ceremony? If my photos please let’s talk about it.

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