Street Photography in Paris
August 2017
An afternoon at l’Aérosol
Street Photography in Paris | August 2017
The girl with her Unicorn – Street art initiation at l’Aerosol
Street in Photography Paris | August 2017
An afternoon at l’Aérosol
Street Photography in Paris | August 2017
The girl with her Unicorn – Street art initiation at l’Aerosol
Street in Photography Paris | August 2017
People taking pictures
Street Photography in Paris | August 2017
Here I am again roaming in the streets of the 18th district to capture some street photography in Paris during this calm and relaxing weekend of mid August, when there’s no Parisian around. All gone for the holidays. Paris during this period of the year is magic, you can park where you want, you can eat without having to wait, watch a movie in an empty theater like if you were in your giant living room. But just make your safety stock of cigarettes, mostly all the tobacco shops are closed.
I’ve been to the north of the eighteenth district to visit to new place to be in Paris (Every week there’s a new one in Paris) The Aerosol ! It’s a good concept I really liked it. But there’s one thing that made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Beside the fact that every blog and all the street art community are saying it’s the coolest place in Paris. The area is located in the middle of a low income neighborhood suffering from a big gentrification. A few blocks further, there’s one the largest refugee camp in Paris… After I’ve finished my mostly 10 euro beer (It’s irony) watching all these people taking pictures (as me) and share them on social networks (As me again) and look so cool to be a BoHo !
If you want to see more of my Street photography you can check here
[…] picked me up early on an August morning. We found his colleagues on the consrtuction site. The pool was already inground and the […]
[…] her at the parc de la Villette north of Paris and then we went to a spot that I really like “L’Aérosol“. I’ve asked her to write some words about her and wh she moved to Paris for her […]
[…] in joy and good mood. For my part I was shouting “We’re in the final” in the 18th distrcit of Paris after being held in suspense for more than 90 minutes! I went out with my friends to celebrate with […]
Tu fais vraiment de superbes photos !!
On ne fait que lui dire…
Merci !
Et puis faut profiter de lui dire maintenant, parce qu’ un beau matin il sera supra méga connu, surtout inaccessible et ce sera tant mieux, il le mérite.
Hahaha mais non ! merde j’aurais du faire mon Daft punk !
Le traitement
Juste du doliprane ! 🙂
Bien inspiré
superbe. le papy assis en costume clair est parfait
“La jeunesse”. Like a poster to Sorentino
On sert quoi à cette charmante brasserie ?! Peut être des cocktails à l huile d olive
Hahaha je ne veux pas savoir quel goût ça a
Coucou. C’est une copine qui a lancé ce lieu ! Je vais y passer en septembre, pendant la Fête de l’Huma. On se voit ?
Ah bah oui avec plaisir !
Té le Rembrandt du 21éme siècle…..
You are a God of moments)